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To Order Photo Prints, See Below


Photo Print Information

We are offering quality photo prints (digital to digital photographs) of selected graphics on this site. These prints are archival and are guaranteed not to fade for 50 years or more. They are available in a beautiful lustrous matte finish.

Not all pictures on this site are available, nor are those which are available offered in all sizes. 5x7 prints are signed. 8x10, 11x14, and 20x30 prints are signed and numbered limited editions.

To enquire about availability, please email Sharon Webb

What you get

Please compare these two pictures:



The upper picture is a file taken from this site. It has a low resolution---necessary to limit the download time on the internet.

The second picture is a small detail from an 8x10 picture of the same fractal.

Note that the quality of any print you order will far exceed the detail seen in the second picture. This is because your monitor is capable of discerning a resolution of only 72 dpi (dots per inch). All photoprints offered are photographed at a resolution of 300 dpi. These are photographs, not printouts, and so even with a magnifying glass you will see no dots in your image, but rather a
continous flow of color as you would expect in a quality photograph.


5x7 signed $9.75 each
8x10 signed & numbered limited edition of 75. $26. each
11x14 signed & numbered limited edition of 50 $39. each
16x20 signed & numbered limited edition of 25 $65. each
20x30 signed & numbered limited edition of 25 $78. each---special order---allow 30-45 days
All prints are unmatted and unframed  
Shipping & Handling $3.25 per order for 1-3 prints, $6. for 4-10

Current print availability list on request.

We are unable to take credit cards at this time. Checks or International Money Orders only.

email: Sharon Webb

Matted and Framed Prints

If you are interested in matted and framed signed, limited edition prints, Oounkshaw Gallery is offering them. Prices are dependent on size, number of mats, and quality and size of frame.

For further information, contact me at the email address above, or phone Beth Love at Oounkshaw Gallery: (706) 379-1331
