Home Information about Fractals

ractals are a huge topic. They're based on mathematics, and deep explanations of fractals cannot avoid math for long. They can require billions of calculations, which means they cannot realistically be done without computers, so some consideration must be given to the software used to produce the images. But they are also art, and if fractals weren't aesthetically pleasing we wouldn't pursure them with nearly as much vigor.
    Collected here are a number of pages describing various aspects of fractals. Most of this information is stored here, but pages on sites elsewhere are marked with a This link leads to another site. icon.

Fractals, in Layman's Terms     no complicated mathematics
Beautiful Math This link leads to another site.     how one artist got involved with fractals

Of Fractals and Art     a little bit of discussion
Fractal Art Manifesto     what fractal art is—and isn't (by Kerry Mitchell)
Step by Step: the Creation of a Fractal     this is what it takes
Fractal-Art FAQ     maintained by Jean-Pierre Louvet

Developers' Site This link leads to another site.     latest information on FractInt
Coloring Algorithms: My Collection     hundreds of variations
Resource List This link leads to another site.     pointers to lots of great FractInt info
Ultra Fractal

Official Site This link leads to another site.     software information & download
An Apology     why I so often evangelize for this program
Resource List This link leads to another site.     pointers to lots of great UF info

Anti-Aliasing and Fractals     how this improves images
PNG, JPEG, and Fractals     which format is appropriate?

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Copyright © 1996-2004 Damien M. Jones